The student will be instructed in the requirements to obtain a Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act (LEOSA) CCW permit, and the modifications it has undergone since its implantation. The student will also be instructed in the prohibitions and restrictions pertaining to carrying a concealed weapon in accordance with RSMo 563 (Missouri self-defense laws) and RSMo 571 (Missouri laws pertaining to weapons offenses) and the importance in knowing and understanding other state laws pertaining to weapons while traveling.

Through lecture and discussion, we will cover critical factors which should be considered while in the possession of a concealed weapon and what options are available when choosing an adequate holster for proper concealment and its ease of accessibility. 

The student will perform a live fire exercise consisting of 6 drills- Firing 30 rounds at a B27 target (or its equivalent) and at a moving target. To pass the evaluation, the student will be required to achieve a score of 70% by striking the target 21 out of 30 times. The student will engage targets with both one- and two-handed grips, firing a failure to stop drill, conducting a magazine change during the engagement, and be firing at a moving target while seeking cover. At the beginning of each stage, the student will be required to try to de-escalate the situation by giving verbal commands before the first round is fired.

Upon passing the course the student will be issued a “Certificate of Completion” along with their LEOSA card identifying the weapon(s) utilized during the course.

This is a Missouri POST certified course (number 25064) and the student will be accredited for two hours of Continuing Law Enforcement Education (CLEE) training if desired.